Planet Dance: a visitor’s guide to contemporary dance

All the episodes of the film animation “Planet Dance: a visitor’s guide to contemporary dance”

Planet Dance is an animated film series for newcomers – or “visitors” – to the world of contemporary dance, produced by The Place, directed by Chris Thomson, animated most enchantingly by Magali Charrier, and conceived/written by me.

Our starting point was the viewer, not the subject. Dance can sometimes feel very “insiderish” to newcomers. Like another world. Rather than deny that feeling, we used it as a point of departure. So instead of being all “teachy and preachy”, our model was the travel guide: something that included maps, points of interest, practical tips, and basic information on language, culture and history – and then leaves the visitor to explore.

Below are the episodes published so far: Welcome to Planet Dance, and Body Talk (split into three levels). Have a good trip!